Happier People, Happier Places sets out Spirit of 2012’s organisational strategy, providing a framework for all of our activity from 2020 onwards.

Our Strategy
Our strategy sets out key priorities for how we will use our remaining National Lottery resources to maximise people’s happiness. We will:
Build the evidence base: learn what works to improve wellbeing and social cohesion and how to capture and share it to have a sustained impact after Spirit funding ends.
Work in partnership: collaborate with partners that increase the value of Spirit knowledge bank, and contributing to, sharing and amplifying learning through their networks.
Break down barriers: build and share evidenced good practice for reducing the barriers for those that face greater barriers to participation and need extra support.
Champion genuine inclusion: actively promote the benefits and understanding of genuine inclusion that enables disabled and non-disabled people to participate, volunteer, and lead together as equals.
Influence: embed our learning and codify our approach so that it can reach and influence wider policy and practice through personal connections, public platforms, best practice guidance and toolkits, to leave a sustained impact.
Find out more about more by downloading Happier People, Happier Places, Spirit of 2012’s strategy for 2020-26, published in January 2020.