After six years of reducing inactivity and bringing together disabled and non-disabled people to be active, Spirit of 2012 is proud to support Get Out Get Active and their new campaign #TheGOGAWay.

Get Out Get Active (GOGA) began in 2016; Spirit of 2012 was the founding funder with additional investment from Sport England and London Marathon Charitable Trust. In 2022, GOGA continues to be focused on getting some of the UK’s least active people moving through fun and inclusive activities.

GOGA is more than just a programme. It has become an approach, a way of making activities a place where disabled and non-disabled people can come together to be active. GOGA has influenced and encouraged organisations across the UK to do things differently when it comes to physical activity.

Since 2016, GOGA has supported over 40,000 disabled and non-disabled people to be active using over 3,000 different activities and interventions. Throughout the programme 35 localities across the UK have tried and tested different activities to encourage those least active in the community to become active.

Today, we join Activity Alliance to celebrate the programme’s success. We want to help show how GOGA can help organisations do things differently to engage inactive disabled and non-disabled people in activity together. #TheGOGAWay campaign will show the programme in all its glory and encourage more people to get involved.

Keep it locked to Spirit’s website and social media channels as we post and amplify content during the course of the campaign which showcases some of the most creative and innovative ways our partners continue to engage participants in physical activity.

“The person-centred approach of GOGA has supported many organisations to reach out into the community, listen, and create genuinely inclusive co-produced activities. From the start, our funders have supported us to focus on outcomes over outputs. Our approach gives organisations the space to fail, to try something new, and to not be afraid if it doesn’t work well. The GOGA approach teaches us to adapt, listen, and learn.”

– Kat Southwell, Head of Programmes at Activity Alliance

The GOGA Way campaign will show some of the initiatives and innovations our GOGA partners, deliverers, and volunteers, are using to reach some of the most inactive audiences across the UK.

Join the campaign by sharing your experiences of GOGA and inclusive activity in your area using the hashtag #TheGOGAWay.

If you would like to find out more or if your organisation would like to get involved and you have a great idea for the campaign, please email [email protected].

Further information

Get Out Get Active project page 
Get Out Get Active website