Research Scotland will join Changing Lives partners Spirit of 2012, sportscotland, The Robertson Trust and the Scottish Government on a new learning project to raise the profile of the Changing Lives approach to delivering sport and physical activity in Scotland.

Since 2017, the Changing Lives partnership has been working together to deliver a £2 million plus programme of support and funding to embed the Changing Lives approach in Scotland’s sporting system.

A Changing Lives approach involves the intentional use of sport and physical activity to make people more active, bring communities and people together, improve their wellbeing and build their skills and confidence. It is a social and fun approach to delivering sport and physical activity which focuses on both participation and change.

A Changing Lives approach recognises the power of sport and physical activity to bring about positive change.

This new project will use our learning to show the collective impact of our Changing Lives work and the importance of the Changing Lives approach within the sporting system in Scotland.

Call for Evidence: Changing Lives through Sport and Physical Activity

Spirit of 2012, sportscotland, Scottish Government, The Robertson Trust and Research Scotland are seeking evidence from organisations that have intentionally used sport and physical activity to bring about positive outcomes for people and communities. This could include wellbeing, inclusion, skills, community connections or other outcomes. We are looking for evidence that helps us to understand:

  • what are the key ingredients of the approach
  • what works well and what is challenging
  • what difference it can make
  • how this difference is brought about.

If you have a report, case study or other evidence, please share it with us! Please email it to:

[email protected]

This important bit of work will inform the production of a range of resources to help people to use and understand the Changing Lives approach, and the difference it can make.

Ruth Hollis, Chief Executive Officer, Spirit of 2012 said:

We know that taking part in sport and physical activity is good for your physical, mental and social wellbeing.  A Changing Lives approach to sport and physical activity can help reach the least active and bring about the biggest gains in other aspects of people’s lives. We are delighted to be working with Research Scotland again to learn about our collective work over the last 7 years. This learning project will encourage others to take a Changing Lives approach to delivering sport and physical activity and strengthen the learning culture in Scotland’s sporting system.

Katy MacMillan, Director of Research Scotland said:

“At Research Scotland we are excited to work with those using the Changing Lives approach across Scotland, to learn from and share the work being done. We have seen the difference sport and physical activity can make when used intentionally to bring about positive change, and we know how committed those using the approach are. We are keen to collate the learning, interrogate what it is that really makes the difference, learn from both what has worked and what challenges were faced, and produce learning which helps others to use the changing lives approach effectively.”

James Steel, Lead Manager of sportscotland: “At sportscotland we strive for an active Scotland where everyone benefits from sport. We are focused on helping the people of Scotland get the most from the sporting system. We believe in the power of sport and know that sport can be used intentionally to bring about positive changes for people. Over recent years we have been working with partners to embed the Changing Lives approach into the sporting system through investment and workforce development. Bringing Research Scotland onboard to help us collate and share the learning from this work is a really important step towards our aspiration of embedding a Changing Lives approach in the sporting system.”

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