To find out more and register your interest, you can visit:
One Million Mentors aims to train, recruit and connect a million mentors to young people across the UK over the next ten years, providing them with a structure and a support system. Initially, the online platform will be piloted in London, Manchester and Cardiff before being launched nationally in 2017. It will provide information and support as well as tracking the progress and impact that mentoring is having on individuals and communities.
Spirit of 2012 Chief Executive, Debbie Lye, said: “We’re pleased to be funding the development of a model which could revolutionise mentoring in the UK. 1MM will recruit a huge and diverse cohort of mentors, equipping them to support young people who lack the networks many take for granted to take the first steps in their career paths. It’s an inspirational idea, with the potential to be a national movement and we are proud to be part of it.”
Alveena Malik, Co-Founder and Director of One Million Mentors, added: “UpRising is delighted that Spirit 2012 is supporting our pioneering project. The focus of One Million Mentors is to invest in the mentor, so that we can scale the numbers of trained and effective mentors in the UK who can help young people maximise their talents, and get into the world of work.
UpRising is delighted that Spirit 2012 is supporting our pioneering project. The focus of One Million Mentors is to invest in the mentor, so that we can scale the numbers of trained and effective mentors in the UK who can help young people maximise their talents, and get into the world of work. – Alveena Malik, Co-Founder and Director of One Million Mentors
“We want to provide opportunities for the mentor-mentee to widen horizons, increase networks, help break down social barriers, and develop mutual respect and understanding across difference. We are looking forward to working closely with Spirit and partners over the coming months.”
Supporting volunteering is a key part of Spirit’s focus and we fund projects that provide volunteering opportunities to disabled and non-disabled participants. Our funding enables partners like the Mayor of London’s Office, England Rugby and the Red Cross to offer opportunities that inspire and empower current volunteers and potential volunteers.
Further information:
About Uprising:
UpRising is a UK-wide youth leadership development organisation. Their mission is to open pathways to power for talented young people from diverse and under-represented backgrounds. They equip them with the knowledge, networks, skills, and confidence to fulfil their leadership potential, find new opportunities and transform the world around them through social action.
UpRising have been delivering programmes since 2008, and now run a range of programmes in London, Bedford, Luton, Birmingham, Stoke-on-Trent, Manchester, Cardiff and Liverpool.