My Sport, My Voice!
Raising the profile of UK’s elite athletes with learning disabilities.

The project in numbers
My Sport, My Voice! raised the profile of the UK’s elite athletes with learning disability by providing a platform to showcase their sporting achievements and inspire others to succeed.
The Athlete Ambassadors had all excelled in their chosen sport at the highest level and were chosen from each country of the UK. They included a London 2012 Paralympic Games gold medallist, several World champions, and two England LD national team captains. The project was backed by the UK Sports Association’s partners in each country of the UK; English Federation of Disability Sport, Scottish Disability Sport, Disability Sport Wales, and Disability Sports Northern Ireland, as well as our member organisations.
The Athlete Ambassadors co-delivered workshops in their regions and countries whilst representing the programme in the media to educate and enlighten not just the sporting community but the wider general public too. The Reps worked in a supporting role to assist the Ambassadors.

Project aims
- Deliver workshops to inspire young people with learning disabilities
Check back soon for learning, evaluation reports and toolkits.