Legacy of events Research & Learning

Research & Learning
We commission and fund research to help build the evidence base, learning what works in improving wellbeing and social cohesion and how to capture and share it for the future. And in addition to project evaluations, we distil, publish and share learning and insights from the projects that we fund.

Legacy of events Physical Activity Research & Learning
Inspiring a Generation: Lessons from funding youth social action and volunteering in UK events
Legacy of events Physical Activity Research & Learning
Glasgow 2014 10th Anniversary Polling Briefing
Legacy of events Physical Activity Research & Learning
Spirit of 2012 in Scotland: 10 years of sporting legacy
Cohesion Connected Communities Inclusion Integration Research & Learning
Reimagining where we live: Cultural placemaking and the levelling up agenda – Evidence from Spirit of 2012
Cohesion Connected Communities Inclusion Integration Research & Learning