Thank You Day – Community Connectors Pilot Evaluation
An evaluation report which assesses the pilot of /Together’s Thank You Day programme

As part of their aim of bringing people together to connect across differences, /Together conceived of local Neighbours Day. Over the course of a few months, this idea evolved into Thank You Day, with the ambition that it would bring a more open and flexible opportunity for local groups and organisations to participate and bring people together in ways that resonated with them.
They first seeded Thank You Day in 10 pilot project locations. By doing this /Together sought to:
- Understand the role of having community connectors in helping to bring people in the community together
- Explore the impact of unrestricted funding in allowing communities groups to develop activities and events that were relevant and appropriate to them
- Ascertain the importance of bringing people together at a hyperlocal level and the impact
This evaluation sought to understand the impact of hyperlocal funding toward grass roots activity in encouraging people to participate in activities that provide opportunities to make new connections with others, including across lines of difference.
This report sits alongside the broader evaluation for Thank You Day and specifically focuses on the experiences and outcomes of the 10 pilot areas that were approached directly to take part in Thank You Day. The evaluation for the pilot programme was carried out by Neighbourly Lab.
- For a first ‘Thank You Day’ this was a great start and jumping off point for future hyperlocal events that focus on bringing people together.
- The theme, ‘Thank You’ was positive, relevant and neighbourly.
- The flexibility was key to the success of the pilot efforts.
- Hyperlocal focus was essential in bringing people together, creating a sense of belonging and pride in place.
- COVID Restrictions meant that organisers made a great effort to create a connected and participatory atmosphere.
- Community connectors played an important role in encouraging participation
- How people were included in the event is important and brings some extra learning.
- Volunteers were key in the event success.
- Thank You Day event organisers tried to include local businesses as part of their events.
- There are some interesting learnings and opportunities to refine how /Together and funders support the hyperlocal responses, based on this year’s pilot experience.
More details in the report below.