UK Youth: EmpowHER Legacy
An extension of the UK Youth social action programme which tested different approaches in the design and delivery of projects and explored how to make them sustainable.

Building on the success of the EmpowHER programme, EmpowHER Legacy (2021 to 2023) explored if and how the EmpowHER model could be scaled to reach more young people and be embedded within more youth organisations. This programme worked with 52 youth organisations, offering varying levels of support and funding to understand what is needed to sustainably deliver EmpowHER, at scale.
Through EmpowHER Legacy, 746 young women and girls took part in youth social
action, many for the first time. They set up 79 new youth social action projects with the most common themes being violence against women, body image and environmental themed projects. These social action projects reached an estimated 30,465 people.
On EmpowHER Legacy, youth workers provided over 2800 hours of social learning and social action support to young women and girls and the youth organisations involved in the programme connected with 171 other organisations to support delivery – partnership working was a key ambition of the programme as we sought to scale and embed youth social action.