Reimagining Volunteering
A report and toolkit for volunteering organisations to help them mobilise “community helpers”.

Have you ever wondered how and why and people across the UK help out in their local community?
This report produced by Neighbourly Lab explains how people across the UK help out in their local community, especially in the context of national moments like the King’s Coronation. It was funded by Spirit of 2012 as part of the Moments To Connect funding round, which aimed to find out how the major national moments of 2023 could create connection in communities, as recommended by the Inquiry into the Power of Events.
Neighbourly Lab sought to explore what ‘helping out’ looks like from the experience of those taking part in it, and what can be done to encourage more people to get involved.
This report was designed for organisations that use and recruit volunteers to help them understand ways to breathe fresh life into your volunteer recruitment strategies and to motivate those seeking to help out in their communities. Once you’ve read the report, explore their free-to-use toolkit.