Asda Active Sports Leaders
Working with young sports leaders to deliver community sports days for primary school children in their local area.

The project in numbers
Asda Active Sports Leaders recruited over 160 local sports leaders volunteers, young people working towards a qualification in sport, dance, volunteering and leadership, to deliver community sports days for primary school children in their local area.
The activities were supported by Asda’s Community Life champions who committed to delivering workshops on healthy eating and the importance of an active lifestyle through a targeted schools outreach programme.
Asda engaged over 1,600 local children in community sports days, as its Asda Active initiative rolled out across Northern Ireland. The partnership with Sports Leaders UK, ukactive and Spirit of 2012, aimed to significantly increase the number of young people that took part in physical activity and volunteering throughout the UK.

Project aims
- Engage over 1,600 local children in community sports days.
- Increase the number of young people that take part in physical activity and volunteering.
Check back soon for learning, evaluation reports and toolkits.