Connected Communities

Dartford St. George’s Day

Cohesion Plus has been delivering annual Saint George’s Day festivals in Dartford and Gravesham for over a decade.

Gurvinder Sandher MBE, Artistic Director of Cohesion Plus, explained “When I was growing up, the Union Jack flag was seen as the symbol of the far right, representing a lot of fear and anxiety for many minority communities in those days. However, looking at the UK in the context of modern times, we are a diverse and culturally rich people. As such, I was motivated many years ago to not only reclaim the flag for all who identify as British, but also to celebrate our shared history and experiences by holding annual Saint George’s Day events. The aim of the celebrations is to bring people from all backgrounds regardless of race, faith and socio-economic together to celebrate shared values and a commonality.”

Over 1,200 people across Dartford and Gravesend attend the annual celebrations which involve schools, and culturally diverse street entertainment and live music.

The event intentionally connects people from different communities in Dartford and Gravesham by bringing the traditions of different minority and majority groups together, for example with dhol players joining a marching band.

Some 81% of the participants said they gained new skills and 76% said they were more confident in doing new things. These impacts will be felt in the years ahead as participants move on with their lives.