Toolkits and guides

Inspired Action Toolkit

Top tips and resources on how to recruit and support young volunteers, which can be adapted to different settings.

Inspired Action was run by the British Red Cross and aimed to remove barriers to volunteering for young disabled and non-disabled people.

Workshops were delivered to young people in schools and youth clubs which showcased volunteering and sought to change negative perceptions of it. Interested young people were then invited to an induction workshop where they received disability awareness and first aid training, found out more about the work of the British Red Cross, and considered the kind of volunteering opportunities they would be suited to.

This guide is about how to recruit and support young volunteers, based the experiences of delivering Inspired Action across the UK.

It contains top tips and resources that can be adapted to different settings and addresses potential additional vulnerabilities associated with the inclusion of young disabled people.

Read more about the Inspired Action project.